MMA is one of the most exciting sports in the world, and betting on it can be both fun and profitable. With so many sources of information and different opinions, it can be hard to know who to trust. In an effort to stay honest and transparent, FightingStats will be tracking all of our recommended bets to our members using the third-party tracking website BetMMA. Bets will have to be made before the event starts and cannot be changed once the card has started. Our overall performance and profit will be tracked here below.
While the size of each person's bet varies from person to person, it can be difficult to determine the level of confidence in a bet, if we simply say bet $100. This is why we refer to our bet size as "units". One unit will most commonly represent 1% of your total bankroll. The most important step of How to Become a Successful Sports Bettor is to use proper bankroll management. Therefore, we will rarely recommend a bet of more than 5% of our bankroll.
Please note, that our recommended bets will only be visible to our members or can be purchased by card directly through BetMMA.